SDG7, affordable and clean energy

Ensure access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable
and modern energy
for all


How remittance families contribute to the goal

  • Remittances have a positive impact on family assets and overall quality of life when invested in housing, and they are more likely to be used for home improvements than for home purchases.

  • Affordable solutions for poor households and their communities are already available, including efficient cooking devices and clean energy solutions.

  • Local community projects may apply clean energy technologies, particularly relevant in remote rural areas lacking access to electricity.


Recommended actions

  • Promote the use of remittances for financing household solar energy projects, which could be expanded to the community with the support of funding from the public sector (at local and national levels), the private sector and international financial institutions.

  • Create incentives to support remittance families to invest in clean energy ventures to distribute solar power systems or affordable equipment using sustainable and affordable sources of power.